Friday, March 31, 2006



For many people, homeschooling is either the best option or the only option for teaching their children. This is due to various factors: conditions of the school systems, temperaments of children, vast learning abilities or disabilities of children, and a wide spectrum of other factors such as school-family incompatibility, multiple intelligences in which certain children learn best under circumstances and environments that are not offered in either public or private schools, as well as religious convictions and beliefs that are not tolerated in the public school system (specifically, Christian beliefs such as creationism). These are all valid and unquestioningly solid reasons to homeschool your child. With the wide selection of homeschooling programs, curriculum, and both state-supported and/or Christian endorsed programs available, the opportunities are endless for a parent who wants to homeschool. The very best thing to do is to check out your resources with your local community in mind.

Homeschooling support groups should be available in your area. Do a search online or get a community events and organizations calendar from your local library. Ask neighbors and friends. Most of all, ask around to different churches. There are so many churches today that are offering a "covering" program in which homeschooling parents may fall underneath their program "umbrella". The church will help you with record-keeping such as test scores, your daily homeschooling journal, and vacinnation records for the state.

Secondly, discover what it is you want to accomplish through homeschooling. Does your child absolutely NEED to be homeschooled for specific reasons or is it a choice that you and your family feel strongly convicted of as a necessity for your child? Either way you look at it, you are justified in your choice. However, be sure that your child will BENEFIT from being schooled at home. As a homeschooling parent, you have now become teacher. Organization and discipline are important disciplines you will need in order to be a successful teacher and to have your child be a successful student. If you need additional help and need to hire a private tutor, for instance, never feel ashamed by any means. Doing what's best for your child is the only thing that matters.

A third factor to consider is the TYPE of curriculum you will want to use. What will be your teaching philosophy? There are a number of internet and print resources that can help you learn more about the different homeschooling pholosophies that exist, such as: Montessori method, Charlotte Mason method, Eclectic method, Classical Education method, Distance Learning, Waldorf Education method, and Unschooling. Do a search online and find out as much as possible about each method and perhaps find a fit that suits the needs of your family the best.

Overall, homeschooling is a wonderful way to teach our children in a culture that may not be as supportive with our children's education as we would like. Homeschooling is not for everyone, but by the same token, neither is public education. Doing what's best for our children and their start on a lifelong education is most important.

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