Tuesday, May 02, 2006


How to Juggle Being a Home School Mom and a Home School Leader Part-3

After you have jotted down your daily tasks and have put them into a priority list, it is time to make a plan. There are several types of plans that one may choose from. Some mothers create plans all throughout a given day, while still keeping their priority list in mind. Others plan their daily activities weeks in advance. Whatever style works for you, make sure to schedule your day to a tee. In realistic terms, ask yourself questions such as: "Do I need to allot one hour or two to teaching math?" How long will it take me to e-mail everyone in the group about the upcoming zoo trip?" "How much time do I need to schedule for the weekly trip to the library?" Efficient scheduling, in effect, guarantees that you are consistently on task and you are assured that you will accomplish all that was scheduled for any given day.


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