Friday, April 28, 2006


How to Juggle Being a Home School Mom and a Home School Leader Part-2

As both roles demand much of one's attention, it is imperative to place goals and objectives into priority lists in order to feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Without a well-thought out and well-planned priority list, activities, lessons, e-mails, conference calls and projects gel into a one, rich amalgam of confusion. No mom needs this. In order to avoid this scenario, take a day or two, even a week, to plan your course of action. What projects need to be handled first thing each morning? Between what hours will you teach school lessons or will you intersperse teaching throughout the day? What projects can be handled before going to bed? Are there any projects that you can seemingly do simultaneously? Place your to-do items into a list of "must-do's" and "can wait" columns and be fervent in being honest with your assessment.


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